First: my apologies to Misty. She so kindly suggested forest, and I immediately thought a dark green background with things you might find in a forest, like animals and trees. Unfortunately, my brain out-thought my actual talent with a tiny paint brush, and, well, this is the result.
The green background is a new polish - Sinful Colors - Last Chance. As you can see, it's a beautiful dark green. I only used one coat here. The main downside is that it is absolutely awful to clean up. You can see it all over my fingers here, and when I actually removed it, it had stained not only my nails, but my fingers! Also, it's a little dark. Especially when I went to use black and brown over it, it's hard to see the details. But it's really a great quality dark green, so I'll use it again. :)
I also had to finally face the fact that I didn't have a brown nail polish. Brown is my least favourite colour, ever. I never ever wear anything brown. But I really wanted to do a monkey, and I've been wanting to do some things like trees and stuff, so I finally gave in an bought Revlon - Hot for Chocolate. It's a bit hard to see the colour, but it looks like a nice brown and it has a nice formula, so I guess it'll work.
The last new polish I got from Forever 21 just because it's cheap and I liked it - Love & Beauty - Periwinkle. You can see this on the snail's body.
The tree top, outline of the leaf, and grass/vine/branch that the snail and toucan are on is Love & Beauty - Neon Green. The leaf body is Sinful Colors - Irish Green (over Migi white). The snail shell is Simply Sweet yellow and with a swirl of Migi Nail Art Pen yellow. The toucan is Migi black, white, yellow, orange. The monkey belly/face/etc. is Love & Beauty - Taupe, with details of Migi black. The branch in that is underlined with Migi copper.

My personal favourite is the monkey. One of my friends got ridiculously excited about the toucan. Everybody else needed me to say, "this is a toucan" to recognise it. xD I also thought the snail was pretty cute.